Those interested in working with Anastasis can choose from one of the following 3 options.


Personal TrainingSilver CoachingPlatinum Coaching
Training Program✔️Basic✔️
Breathing Program✔️✔️✔️
Video Recording of the consultation✔️✔️✔️
Lifestyle Advice✔️✔️✔️
Nutritional Advice✔️✔️
Supplemental Advice✔️✔️
Review of past lab tests✔️✔️
Advice and Review new lab tests✔️✔️
Comprehensive Onboarding Process✔️
Initial Lab work Assessment✔️
Lifestyle monitoring✔️
Nutritional monitoring✔️
Support between sessionsIn case of emergencyIn case of emergencyUnlimited
Ad hoc sessions:£115£135£250
Option 1:£475 x5 55min (6w)£375 x1 75min + x2 50min (2m)£1,200 pm x2 pw 50-75min*
Option 2:£900 x10 55min (3m)£575 x1 75min +4 50min (3m)£2,700pm x2-3pm
Option 3:£3,333 pm up to x4pw
*excluding lab test - data analysis