Breathing for Yoga: Unleashing the Power of Pranayama Techniques

The significance of proper breathing in yoga

If you teach yoga or have been practicing for a few years, common misunderstandings may lead you to believe that breathing into the belly or exhale through the mouth is good practice. Every yogi is taught to acknowledge the importance of breath yet the way we breathe is rarely questioned.

The 5th century Sanscrit manual Hatha Yoga Pradipika explains that:

“The mind is the king of the senses and that breath is the king of the mind.”

As long as breathing is dysfunctional though, our mind will continue to race and chatter, no matter how much we crave stillness.

Lessons from Wim Hof

How was the "Breathing for Yoga" book born?

In 2015, and while I had been teaching yoga for 3 years, I decided to attend the 1st Wim Hof Method international training in hope of understanding breathing better. As I didn’t get the answers I expected, in 2017 I decided to study the Buteyko Method. As there were still many questions un-answered after that, I decided to proceed with taking a deep dive in scientific literature myself. In 2018 I start teaching at yoga teacher trainings and in 2021 I developed the “Breathing for Yoga” course for the Oxygen Advantage franchise. In an effort to promote the course, Patrick Mckeown asked me to publish the book I was writing at the time.

At the time of the publication, I had delivered +60 breathing workshops in 8 countries.

In this page you can find video resources from the Breathing for Yoga book. If you have any questions related to the book or the videos can leave them in the comments of the YouTube videos or leave me message in the contact form.

This sequence is an introduction on how asana and breathwork can be combined. When done appropriately their effect can be amplified.

This sequence will help you stretch the muscles that when tight the movement of the ribcage and diaphragm will be restricted. It doesn’t involve any breathing exercises.

In this video you can see a display of 3 progressions of Sun Salutation A, available to those that want to work on their respiratory capacity during this vinyasa.

This sequence combines some mobility drills with some breathing exercises and can be performed prior to a workout or long periods of sitting at a desk.

3 take aways:

1 There is a Breathwork hierarchy

The hierarchy of breathwork has the improvement of unconscious breathing at its base. When you can breathe well unconsciously most consequences of dysfunctional breathing will disappear (incl. bad sleep, anxiety, brain fog, asthma).

2 Good Posture = Good Breathing

You cannot improve your breathing unless you address your posture. Athletes need to address the biomechanics of their own sport in order to improve their breathing at it.

3 Your metabolism depends on how you breathe

Oxygen is used for energy production in your body. Breathing exercises can support or challenge the process.

Inspired by the book?

If you wish to receive private tutoring, arrange a training for a yoga or pilates school or get the information delivered in a corporate workshop, send me a message: