
Breathwork is the practice of respiratory & physical exercises, aiming to improve one’s ability to control the breath. The 2 pillars of breathwork are: hypercapnia & hypoxia. It can be used to improve:

Unconscious breathing

Improve respiratory function by enhancing Carbon Dioxide tolerance.

Control of the Autonomic Nervous System

Improve body temperature control, activation of the Sympathetic or Parasympathetic Nervous System, slow down Heart Rate.

Sports performance

Release tension around the diaphragm, strengthen the diaphragm, improve oxygen delivery to working muscles during exercise, accelerate recovery time after training

Enter meditation

Help you enter into an empty state of mind.

Breathwork can be practiced in conjunction with physical exercises: dynamic; or on its own: static.

Is it good to hold your breath?

In most people's minds breath holding is synonymous with dysfunctional breathing. Despite its reputation the benefits of voluntary breath holds…

2 years ago

5 benefits of breathwork

Breathwork, by changing our blood's biochemistry, can influence the function of all body's organs and systems. As oxygen is essential…

2 years ago

Breathing Strategies for Running

It is not uncommon for runners to gas out when running. Their lungs will fail them before their legs. While…

2 years ago

How does the Wim Hof Method improve health?

Those practicing the Wim Hof Method will benefit primarily from the progressive exposure to cold. The regular cold showers the…

2 years ago

Can breathwork help with anxiety?

Breathwork is one of the most powerful tools in dealing with stress and anxiety. Scientific research and clinical evidence have…

2 years ago

Does Buteyko breathing really work?

Developed by Russian doctor Konstantin Buteyko in the 1950s the Buteyko Method is a system aiming to restore the levels…

2 years ago

The Benefits of CO2 for humans

CO2 Breathing Therapy is breath training for those with chronic or acute dysfunctional breathing aiming to reduce the associated physical,…

2 years ago

Probiotics for Rhinitis

Nasal health depends on the bacterial ecosystem in our nasal cavity. For this reason, probiotics can support both pulmonary and…

2 years ago

5 Things I learned from Wim Hof

It's not every day that you meet a 20 times Guinness record holder. When you come to meet him though…

2 years ago

Anti-aging Breathing Exercises

According to an Indian saying: "We come to this life with a set number of breaths. By breathing slower, we…

2 years ago